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Talisman upgrades its customisation capabilities with Keyence laser marker acquisition

Talisman Plastics have improved the capabilities of their in-house printing with the investment of a new Keyence hybrid laser marker.

The new hybrid laser, comprised of a YVOcrystalline material and a conventional fibre, transfers to the plastic target with heightened accuracy, meaning Talisman can now offer printing of barcodes, QR codes, logos and imagery onto their popular Taliloc, Enviroloc, and Easiloc products.

James Mulvale, business development manager, said: “The acquisition of the Keyence laser marker will provide a whole new level of customisation potential for our customers. Our choice of Keyence’s laser marker ensures we can provide the best possible print quality on our products.

“The hybrid laser means we get much clearer and crisper printing without reducing cycle times. We’ve invested in the new machine following careful consideration of several manufacturers but it became clear that Keyence could provide a laser that found the perfect balance of power as to clearly mark the seal but also not burn through it.”

The Keyence hybrid laser marker on Talisman’s Malvern factory floor.
The Keyence hybrid laser marker on Talisman’s Malvern factory floor.

The new Keyence MD-X1500 Series achieves a peak power of 200 kW, which is approximately twice the peak power of conventional YVO4 lasers. The marker combines a high peak power with a short pulse width to minimise the damage caused by heat transfer to the target.

The 3-axis control means that during the printing process, any distortion of character shape is eliminated, and even at the edges of the printed area, the laser provides perfectly focused marking and cutting with high accuracy.

Keyence’s MDX series laser marker was installed at Talisman’s Malvern plant in July, with the laser company providing training to all injection setting staff on using the software, which both programs the print design and verifies the print has been carried out accurately, ensuring QR codes and barcodes function properly.

Nathan Flanigan, senior project engineer, said: “Working with the new Keyence laser has given us the ability to be quick with engraving changes and makes the process of creating barcodes, QR codes and serial numbers effortless. The Keyence laser and its associated software required minimal internal training, which has created efficiencies on the shop floor.”